Friday, December 24, 2010


In her book, 1, 001 More Ways to Reveal Your Personality, Elayne J. Kahn says how you open your Christmas gifts can reveal your personality.

If You Open Your Cards First you are thoughtful and considerate. You are not an impulsive shopper and you care deeply about what other people think about you. Sometimes you end up caring too much and getting hurt yourself.

If You Tear Your Gifts Open you are enthusiastic, aggressive and impatient. You are truly a kid at heart and love to party.

If You Are A "Detective" Who Shakes Their Gifts First you are dramatic and love being the center of attention. People love the way you tell stories.

If You Are A "Busybody" Who Checks Out Everyone Else's Gifts you are insecure and a worry-wort. When you buy for others you are generous and conscientious. You are very well liked among your friends even though you do not think so.

If You Are An "Exhibitionist" Who Parades Their Gifts Around To Everyone you love to entertain, make people laugh and enjoy being at the center of everyone's attention.

If You Are A Private Opener you sometimes hide your feelings and emotions from others and you hate being caught off-guard or letting your real emotions show.

However you open them, hope you get spoiled with family, friends and love this season - those are the best presents : ) Cheesy but true!
Happy Holidays

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